Biomechanics and Ergonomics

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Design, evaluation and optimization of low-cost upper limb prostheses HANDPRO Jan. 2025-Dec. 2027
Usability and cognitive load of hand rehabilitation virtual therapies with and without exoskeletons EXOREHAB-USABILITY Jan. 2025-Dec. 2027
Application of hand exoskeletons in rehabilitation and patient care EXOMANO Sep. 2024-Aug. 2027
Towards a benchmark for the holistic assessment of assistive hand exoskeletons in activities of daily living EXOHANDBENCH Sep.2024-Aug.2028
Morphological characterization of human hand using 3D scanning techniques MORPHO-HAND 3D Jul.2024-Jun.2026
Development of hand prosthesis control systems using non-invasive human-machine interfaces HMI-HAND Jan.2023-Dec.2025
Biomechanical and emotional analysis to improve the design and fabrication of sockets for hand prostheses SOCKET-BIOEMO Jan.2023-Dec..2024
Biomechanical indicators of the hand and wrist based on activities of daily living for functional assessment and clinical rehabilitation INBIOHAND Jan. 2022-Dec.2023
Biomechanical indicators of hand functionality oriented to evaluation and rehabilitation through virtual reality. INDIREVAL Jan. 2022-Dec.2024
Development of an exoskeleton for pulp pinch grasping rehabilitation in stroke patients DERAPPI Jan. 2022-Dec. 2022
Effect of design parameters of shoe insoles and footwear soles for feet with different postural index. Analysis of dynamic stiffness and synergies. FPIFOOTWEAR Jan. 2022 -Dec. 2024
Variable-stiffness gripper for handling delicate products CARICIA Dec. 2021-Dec. 2023
Towards a unified design of an affordable and versatile artificial hand valid for prosthetics and collaborative robotics UNIQUE-HAND Sep. 2021-Sep.2025
Customised Instruments for Minimally Invasive Manipulation in Cervical Oncological Surgery IPMICOC Jan. 2021-Dec. 2022
Biomechanical characterisation of the hand and wrist in daily life activities oriented to the functional assessment in rehabilitating practice EVREHAND Jan. 2020-Dec. 2021
Cranial protector to prevent head injuries to people affected by autism spectrum disorders who suffer epileptic seizures CAUPROTECT Mar. 2019-Sep. 2020
Characterization of movements and muscular efforts of the healthy hand oriented to the functional evaluation and to the design and adaptation of products for manipulation MOVMUS Jan.2019-Dec.2022
Analysis of the influence of using product presentation new technologies on perceptions in electronic environments PRODUCT E-XPERIENCE Jan.2019-Dec.2020
Analysis and implementation of control alternatives for underactuated artificial hands based on the human grasp. INTELLIHAND Jan.2019-Dec. 2021
Analysis and implementation of control alternatives for underactuated artificial hands based on the human grasp SUBHAND Jan. 2018-Dec.2019
Development of benchmarks for the experimental evaluation of artificial hands. Application to the design of better robotic and prosthetic hands. BENCH-HAND Jan.2018-Dec.2020
Tool for the functional assessment of the hand based on its kinematics, for clinical use HERREVAL Jan.2018-Dec.2020
Development of a methodology for the experimental evaluation and optimization of low-cost artificial hands. EXPHAND Jan.2018-Dec.2020
Design of the information on product sustainable awareness: methodological analysis of the subjective impressions and the visual attention of the consumer, and relationship with their reference criteria. EMO-SUSTAIN
Jan-2017-Dec. 2018
Development of a multimodal diagnostic algorithm including PET-MRI-RX for early diagnosis and monitoring of breast cancer.
Feb-2015-Dec. 2017
Approach to control of prosthetic hands by grasping posture estimate based on PCA and ANNs CONTROLHAND
Jan-2015-Dec. 2016
Kinematic characterization of the hand oriented to the functional assessment of product handling in activities of daily living KINE-ADL Jan-2015-Dec. 2017
Design and evaluation of anthropomorphic hands by using grasping simulation. Application to the design and control of prosthethic hands.DEVALHAND
Jan.  2015-Dec. 2017
Characterization of kinematic synergies of the hand in activities of daily living oriented to functional evaluationSINERG-HAND
Jan.  2015-Dec. 2017
Characterisation of the healthy and pathological hand KINEHAND Jan.  2014-Dec. 2016
Combined effect of the intraradicular post design in the biomechanical performance of endodontic restorations POSTOPT
Jan.  2013-Dec. 2014
Neural networks for predicting grip posture of object manipulation by human hand   ANNHAND Jan. 2013-Dec. 2014
Virtual model of the human hand oriented to object grasping   VIRHAND Jan. 2012-Dec. 2013
Analysis and biomechanical characterization of human grasping in daily life activities   AGARREDIA Jan. 2011-Dec. 2013
Biomechanical characterization of grasp planning and posture in object manipulation by human hand   AGARRE Jan. 2010-Dec. 2011
Methodological analysis for integration of emotional design in a collaborative system for new products development   EMOCER Dec. 2008-Dec. 2010
Optimization of dental posts design using biomechanical simulation and experimental tests.   OPTIPERN Oct. 2006-Oct. 2009
User-centered tools design: integration of biomechanical and ergonomic techniques with Kansei engineering.   HERR-KANS Jan. 2006 - Dec. 2006
Application of analytical and statistical models to validate the biomechanical response of knee prosthesis.   SIMROD Jan. 2004 - Dec. 2005
Development and clinical validation of a simulation tool for surgical planning in hand pathologies.   SIMHANDPATH
Nov. 2002 - Nov. 2005
Biomechanical study of strength of composite abutments in oral implants.   PILARES Jan. 2001 - Dec. 2003
Development and clinical validation of a simulation tool for design and evaluation of knee prosthesis.   SIMROD Jan. 2001 - Dec. 2003
Analysis of problems in the use of powered tools in industry. Methodology for analysis and evaluation of the design of these tools.   HERRMOT
Nov. 2001 - Nov. 2003
Study and modeling of precision grasping with hand, oriented to the design of hand held tools.   PRECIMOD Oct. 1997 - Oct. 1999
Development of a methodology for analysis and evaluation of the ergonomic design of hand tools and posterior development of a biomechanical model for simulation of tools usage.   ERGOHERR Nov. 1995 - Nov. 1997