Optimization of dental
posts design using biomechanical simulation and experimental tests.
The main objective of
the project was to obtain the optimal values of the design
parameters of intraradicular posts that minimize the risk of failure
of the dental restoration. The study was limited to uniradicular
teeth, and the design parameters considered were: the material,
shape, length and thickness. A combined analytical and experimental
approach was considered to achieve this goal. The use of
biomechanical models using the finite element technique allowed a
greater number of combinations than those experimentally feasible
because of economic reasons and time consuming. The experiments,
both static and dynamic, provided specific results of the effect of
these parameters, and also allowed validation of the models and
ensured the reliability of the estimates. Furthermore, a fatigue
testing machine was designed and built allowing testing up to four
different dental components simultaneously. This machine allowed
applying flexo-compression loads with different orientations and
tension-compression loads to simulate chewing sticky foods.
Oct. 2006-Sep. 2009
Ximo Sancho Bru
Spanish Ministry of
Education and Science. Co-financed by FEDER