On February 11, on the occasion of the Day of Women and Girls in
Science, Raquel Lázaro offered a series of talks at the Primary
School Isidoro Andrés Villarroya. During the day, the trajectory in
science and the advances and the techniques developed in the
research group were addressed, with special emphasis on hand
exoskeletons. In addition, a small practical workshop was organized
where students had the opportunity to interact with a hand
exoskeleton, fostering interest in science and technology in the new

On Thursday, January 16, some researchers from the EXOMANO
project visited the National Hospital for Paraplegics in Toledo to
share the progress made in the evaluation of hand exoskeletons (by
the UJI) and virtual reality games for upper limb rehabilitation (by
hospital collaborator Ana de los Reyes).

For one month, we have had the pleasure of hosting PhD student
Birte Coppers (PhD
supervised by Anna-Maria Liphardt) from the CRC 1453 EmpkinS project
at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg. Her research stay
(supervised by Verónica
Gracia) aimed to apply our group’s expertise in electromyographic
signal analysis to
patients with rheumatoid arthritis, facilitating a deeper
understanding of these
conditions in the context of everyday dynamic tasks.

From September 9 to 14, the Annual Meeting of the European
Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC) was
held in Oslo, Norway. Verónica Gracia presented a group
communication titled 'Objective assessment in serious game
rehabilitation: Hand kinematics via device tracking'.

During the month of July, Verónica Gracia carried out a research
stay at Kedgley's lab at Imperial College, where she worked closely
with Angela Kedgley and Mahdi Mohseni on the analysis of EMG
parameters as functional indicators of hand osteoarthritis and the
study of problems associated with signal normalization.
Additionally, she worked on establishing a protocol to record EMG in
both extrinsic and intrinsic muscles, as well as identifying the
tasks necessary to obtain maximum voluntary contractions.

On March 21, Alba Roda, Vicent Bayarri, Raquel Lázaro, Juan
Carlos Díaz and Carlos Gonell participated in Firujiciència, the
science fair of the Universitat Jaume I. During the event, students
of all levels and research staff held workshops and science
demonstrations. The Biomechanics and Ergonomics Group presented
workshops on Eye Tracking and measurement of manual dexterity with
virtual reality.

Veronica Gracia and Alba Roda are guest editors for a Special
Issue in Applied Science about Biomechanical Analysis of Hand

Design, evaluation and optimization of low-cost upper limb prostheses

Usability and cognitive load of hand rehabilitation virtual therapies
with and without exoskeletons

Application of hand
exoskeletons in rehabilitation and patient care.

Towards a benchmark for the holistic assessment of assistive hand
exoskeletons in activities of daily living.

characterization of human hand using 3D scanning techniques.

Development of hand prosthesis control systems using non-invasive
human-machine interfaces.

Biomechanical and emotional analysis to improve the design and fabrication of
sockets for hand prostheses.

indicators of hand functionality oriented to evaluation and
rehabilitation through virtual reality.

Effect of design
parameters of shoe insoles and footwear soles for feet with
different postural index. Analysis of dynamic stiffness and

Development of
benchmarks for the experimental evaluation of artificial hands.
Application to the design of better robotic and prosthetic hands.

Different options exist to collaborate with research in the group,
- "Margarita Salas" grants for the training of young doctors.
If you have recently obtained your doctorate and want to join
our Biomechanics and Ergonomics group with a postdoctoral
- "María Zambrano" grants to attract international talent,
until September 3, 2021. If you have been a doctor for at least
two years and currently you are carrying out research out of
Spain related to the group lines, you can enjoy a training stay
in our group, with remuneration of 4,000 € gross per month. If
you are interested,
- Collaboration grants of the Spanish Ministry for students
enrolled in the last year of an undergraduate programme or first
year of a master. Open during first two weeks of September.
- Pre-doctoral grants for graduate
students, to develop a doctoral thesis.
- Grants and contracts for post-doctoral students
- Ramón y Cajal and Juan de la Cierva Fellowships
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship
If you are interested, please
with us.