Biomechanics and Ergonomics

Español   -   English


Feb-2025 On February 11, on the occasion of the Day of Women and Girls in Science, Raquel Lázaro offered a series of talks at the Primary School Isidoro Andrés Villarroya. During the day, the trajectory in science and the advances and the techniques developed in the research group were addressed, with special emphasis on hand exoskeletons. In addition, a small practical workshop was organized where students had the opportunity to interact with a hand exoskeleton, fostering interest in science and technology in the new generations.    
Jan-2025 On Thursday, January 16, some researchers from the EXOMANO project visited the National Hospital for Paraplegics in Toledo to share the progress made in the evaluation of hand exoskeletons (by the UJI) and virtual reality games for upper limb rehabilitation (by hospital collaborator Ana de los Reyes).    
Nov-2024 For one month, we have had the pleasure of hosting PhD student Birte Coppers (PhD supervised by Anna-Maria Liphardt) from the CRC 1453 EmpkinS project at Friedrich-
Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg. Her research stay (supervised by Verónica Gracia) aimed to apply our group’s expertise in electromyographic signal analysis to patients with rheumatoid arthritis, facilitating a deeper understanding of these conditions in the context of everyday dynamic tasks.
Sep-2024 From September 9 to 14, the Annual Meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC) was held in Oslo, Norway. Verónica Gracia presented a group communication titled 'Objective assessment in serious game rehabilitation: Hand kinematics via device tracking'.    
Jul-2024 During the month of July, Verónica Gracia carried out a research stay at Kedgley's lab at Imperial College, where she worked closely with Angela Kedgley and Mahdi Mohseni on the analysis of EMG parameters as functional indicators of hand osteoarthritis and the study of problems associated with signal normalization. Additionally, she worked on establishing a protocol to record EMG in both extrinsic and intrinsic muscles, as well as identifying the tasks necessary to obtain maximum voluntary contractions.    
Mar-2024 On March 21, Alba Roda, Vicent Bayarri, Raquel Lázaro, Juan Carlos Díaz and Carlos Gonell participated in Firujiciència, the science fair of the Universitat Jaume I. During the event, students of all levels and research staff held workshops and science demonstrations. The Biomechanics and Ergonomics Group presented workshops on Eye Tracking and measurement of manual dexterity with virtual reality.    
Jan-2024 Veronica Gracia and Alba Roda are guest editors for a Special Issue in Applied Science about Biomechanical Analysis of Hand Dysfunctions.    
Nov-2023 As part of the collaboration agreement between the Biomechanics and Ergonomics group and FISABIO for the adaptation and design of products for rehabilitation, on Thursday, November 30th, several researchers involved in the agreement visited the Hospital de la Madalena to deliver some of the manufactured designs and plan for the next steps.    
Nov-2023 On November 24, Vicente Bayarri Porcar presented his doctoral thesis titled "Evaluation of assistive devices for manipulation in activities of daily living incorporating the analysis of affective design through Eye-Tracking", obtaining the rating of Excellent Cum Laude. The members of the tribunal were: Marina Puyuelo (UPV), Manolo Contero (UPV) and Pedro Company (UJI).  


Nov-2023 On November 2nd and 3rd, the 12th Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of the ESB was held in Malaga. Margarita Vergara, Ximo Sancho, and Néstor Jarque presented three communications from the group on the work they are conducting in various areas: virtual reality games for rehabilitation, assessment of hand exoskeletons, and the design of prosthetic sockets.    
Oct-2023 From October 4-6, 2023, Verónica Gracia attended as an invited speaker the 'Interdisciplinary Hand Symposium' held at the 'Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light' in Erlangen and organized by (CRC) 1483 - EmpkinS (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nüremberg). The symposium discussed current research in inflammatory arthritis, hand surgery and therapy, biomechanical modeling and simulation, as well as visualization and sensing of the hand.    
Sep-2023 Imma Llop, Alba Roda, Vicent Bayarri and Daniel Cardín participated in Science GTS, a scientific outreach event that brings science closer to society through workshops, talks, and other activities. The event took place at the Universitat Jaume I, and the Biomechanics and Ergonomics Group prepared workshops on Eye Tracking, collaborative robotics, and manual dexterity measurement with virtual reality. Additionally, they took part in meetings with associations, exchanging experiences with the ACUDIM association from Vila-Real, which works towards the full integration of individuals with various disabilities into society.    
Sep-2023 On September 28 and 29, the first Conference on Biomedical 3D Printing was held at the Higher School of Technology and Experimental Sciences (ESTCE) of the Universitat Jaume I. 3D printed medical models facilitate pre-surgical planning, serve during surgery to improve the precision of the surgical technique, and are also an excellent communication tool.

The Conference, organized by professors Javier Andrés and José Feliciano, from the Biomechanics and Ergonomics group of the UJI (BE-UJI), had the advice of the biomedical engineering consultancy DQbito. These conferences are born from the recent collaboration (FISABIO) between the Abdomino-Pelvic Oncology Surgery Reference Unit (UR-COAP) of the General University Hospital of Castellón, the Biomechanics and Ergonomics group (BE-UJI) and the Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM-UJI) from the Universitat Jaume I. More information:

Jun-2023 The UJI, the Hospital General Universitario de Castellón and Fisabio Foundation patent a uterine manipulator that improves gynaecological surgery, in a research leaded by Javier Andrés.    patent-manipulador-uteri Grup_Manipulador_Uterino_23DLL02  
May-2023 Within the framework of the collaboration agreement that the Biomechanics and Ergonomics group maintains with FISABIO for the adaptation and design of rehabilitation products, on Wednesday, May 11, several researchers participating in the agreement visited the Hospital de la Madalena to deliver some of the designs manufactured and to plan the next actions.    
Apr-2023 Vicente Bayarri receives an award in the II Call for Research Projects in Social Commitment, Banco Santander, year 2022, for the project entitled "Assistance devices for people with functional deficiencies: towards more intuitive designs that favor their use through eye-tracking".    
Apr-2023 Antonio Pérez delivers a talk at the Argot bookshop in Castellón about "Impact of additive manufacturing, robotics and artificial intelligence", disseminating to general public part of the results of the UNIQUE-HAND project and other previous projects. El Mundo newspaper new, 21-abr-2023.    
Feb-2023 Javier Sabater obtained the prize of the professional Association of Industrial Engineers of the Valencian Community for his final Bachelor Project “Compact ball joint mechanism for robotic hands based on spherical gears”, related to the UNIQUE-HAND and CARICIA projects.    
Feb-2023 During the months of January and February 2023, it was carried out the last batch of experiments that several researchers from the Biomechanics and Ergonomics group have been conducting on patients with osteoarthritis of the hand in the framework of the collaboration agreement signed with the Rehabilitation Service of the 'Hospital Provincial de Castellón'.    
Dic-2022 In December 2022, several researchers from the Biomechanics and Ergonomics group visited the National Hospital for Paraplegics of Toledo to carry out tests with patients in collaboration with the Biomechanics Unit of that hospital within the framework of the signed collaboration agreement.  


Nov-2022 Several researchers of the group act as editors for two Special Issues in high impact journals:  Applied Sciences (Special Issue on "Hand and wrist biomechanics") and Sensors (Special Issue on "Advanced tactile sensors").








Nov-2022 Imma Llop organises the UJI-Hand challenge, addressed to students of engineering degrees, for the design of a 3D printed body-powered artificial hand. The competition took place on Nov, 16th at the UJI with the participation of three teams.    
Oct-2022 Margarita Vergara, Ximo Sancho and Alba Roda participated in the XI Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of the ESB held in Zaragoza. They presented five  communications.    
Sep-2022 The UJI-Hand team, supervised by Imma Llop, participates in the V Day of Design, Creativity and Technology (September 28, 2022 at the ESTCE of the UJI) and in the Mediterranean Night of Researchers, MEDNIGHT GTS , with the workshop "The challenges of prosthetic hand design" (September 30, 2022 at the UJI).  


Jun-2022 The Mediterráneo newspaper of Castellón on June 12 devotes a special mention to the UNIQUE-HAND project, among the 24 projects of the Universitat Jaume I financed in the last call for proposals of the National Research Plan.  

May-2022 Imma Llop attends the international OTWorld Trade Show and World Congress about orthopedics and prosthetics in Leipzig (Germany).    
Mar-2022 Imma Llop, member of the BE group, was awarded in the "I convocatoria para proyectos de investigación en compromiso social" from Universitat Jaume I and Banco de Santander, for the work "Design and evaluation of prosthetic hands".    
Mar-2022 The students Joaquin Ibáñez, Adrián González and Raquel Lázaro, present their research in collaboration with the group in the VII Conference of the Study and Research program.    
Feb-2022 Ximo Sancho, Verónica Gracia and Margarita Vergara meet on February 18 with the Biomechanics and Technical Aids Unit of the National Hospital for Paraplegics, in order to start a collaboration with the group.



Feb-2022 Imma Llop supervises the UJI-Hand team that has been funded through a project from the UJI-LAB-Innovation call. This call promotes the creation of multidisciplinary teams led by students who develop innovative initiatives organized around projects. The UJI-Hand project focuses on the design of hand prostheses manufactured by 3D printing. In the beginning, an attempt will be made to provide this type of prosthesis to people who need it with the ultimate goal of obtaining a prototype that can compete in the Cybathlon 2024 Arm Prosthesis Race.  



Jan-2021 Unión de Mutuas signs an agreement with the Universitat Jaume I, through which the Biomechanics and Ergonomics group will investigate hand and wrist injuries in the workplace.  

Oct-2021 Alba Roda, Néstor Jarque and Javier Andrés participated in the X Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of the European Biomechanical Society, held at the University of Granada on October 25 and 26. They presented four communications from the group.    
Oct-2021 Imma Llop-Harillo is awarded for his doctoral thesis  "Methods for the design and evaluation of anthropomorphic artificial hands", as a runner-up for the prize to the best  doctoral thesis in biomechanics, by the European Society of Biomechanics and also as a runner-up for the V prize AEIM to the best doctoral thesis in Mechanical Engineering by the Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering.    
Oct-2021 Imma Llop and Antonio Pérez attend the XXIII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica, presenting research results of the group.    
Oct-2021 Imma Llop delivered a seminar about "Anthropomorphic artificial hands" to students of the Biomedical Engineering degree in Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, presenting the work of the group and the objective of the UNIQUE-HAND project.    
Jul-2021 On 19-July-2021, Alba Roda Sales presents her doctoral thesis entitled "Contributions to hand kinematics characterisation during product manipulation in activities of daily living",  supervised by Joaquin Sancho and Margarita Vergara, obtaining the maximum qualification of Excellent cum Laude and the mention for International Doctorate. The members of the committee were: Angela Kedgley (Imperial College London), Ana de los Reyes (Hospital de Parapléjicos de Toledo) and Antonio Pérez (UJI).    
Jul-2021 César Corella, student of the Mechanical Engineering program, receives the EcoSistecMas award to the best Final Project of the 2020 call, for his project "Mechanical design of two wrist prostheses", developed under the supervision of Antonio Pérez within the framework of the BENCH-HAND project.    
Jan-2021 Imma Llop Harillo, carried out a stay at the Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics, a joint research center of the the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), in Barcelona, between 1-Oct and 31-Dec 2020, collaborating in tasks on manipulation cloth items, within the framework of the European project BURG: Benchmarks for Understanding Grasping.    
Jun-2020 On 26-June-2020, Imma Llop-Harillo presents her doctoral thesis entitled "Methods for the design and evaluation of anthropomorphic artificial hands", supervised by Antonio Pérez, obtaining the maximum qualification of Excellent cum Laude and the mention for International Doctorate. The defence was performed online and the members of the committee were: Maximo Roa (DLR), Marco Controzzi (Scuola Sant'Anna Pissa) and Joaquin L. Sancho-Bru (UJI).    
Mar-2020 On 11-March-2020, Javier Andrés presented the research activity and results of BENCH-HAND and DEVALHAND projects to the research group of Steve Davis at the University of Salford. Steve Davis is Lecturer in Manufacturing, Automation & Robotics, and his research interests include actuators, biomimetics, dexterous grippers, humanoid robots and automation for the food industry.    
Feb-2020 Antonio Pérez presents the activity of the group at the follow-up meeting of the Spanish Network for Research in Biomechanics held on February 19 in Barcelona.    
Feb-2020 Javier Andrés and José Fuentes participate in the event "Dona i Xiqueta en la ciencia" to promote the participation of the female population in scientific and engineering activities, disseminating the work carried out by the group in the field of artificial hands.    
Dec-2019 Alba Roda, a PhD student in the group, made a three-month stay at the Center for Environmental Assistance and Access Technology, at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA, USA), under the supervision of Professor Jon Sanford.    

Javier Andres exposes the experience of the BE group in an activity about 3D printing organized by the UJI FabLab.


Dec-2019 The undergraduate student César Corella and the Biomechanics and Ergonomics group receive a prize from the Banco Sabadell Foundation for the best student practices in the framework of the "Study and Research" program of the Jaume I University. The work done by César was the design of two versions for a low-cost wrist prosthesis.    
Oct-2019 Antonio Pérez and Javier Andrés participate in the IX Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of the European Biomechanical Society, presenting three communications from the group.    
Ago-2019 José V. García e Imma Llop attend in Nueva York to the CMBBE2019 conference, presenting some recent works of the group.    
Jul-2019 A representation of the BE group attend the XXV Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics in Vienna, presenting several contributions.    
May-2019 On 28-May-2018, Hai Huang, Associate Professor in the Harbin Institute of Technology (China), meets with the research group of BENCH-HAND project and presents his research on prosthetic hands design and underwater manipulation.    
Dec-2018 Antonio Pérez gives a conference on technologies to improve universal accessibility within the framework of the XVII Informative Conference on present and future of disability, organized by COCEMFE Castellón, dedicated to universal accessibility. The newspaper Levante gives diffusion through a new published on Dec 19, 2018.



Nov-2018 The BE group organizes the VIII Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics in the Universitat Jaume I during the 22 and 23 of November.    
Nov-2018 Arjan Buis and Sarah Day from the University of Strthclyde in Glasgow visit the Universitat Jaume I in order to establish detailed objectives about their collaboration in the context of the BENCH-HAND project.


Sep-2018 Néstor Jarque presents a communication in the ESMAC 20018 Annual Meeting in Prague.



Sep-2018 Antonio Pérez and Imma Llop attend the XXII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica in Madrid. The communication presented was awarded with the prize to the best communication in applied research of the conference.  

Jul-2018 Antonio Pérez, Imma Llop, Néstor Jarque and Alba Roda attend the 8th World  Congress of Biomechanics in Dublin, presenting several communications.


Jun-2018 The Universitat Jaume I will host the VIII Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of the European Society of Biomecanics, organized by the Biomechanics and Ergonomics Group.    
Mar-2018 José V. García and Imma Llop attend the congress of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering in Lisbon. They present two communications at the conference.    
Mar-2018 The student César Corella presents a poster in the III Edition of the Study and Research Program from UJI, with the title: Index of mobility of a prosthetic hand based on the Kapandji modified index, related with the DEVALHAND project, under the supervision of Antonio Pérez.    
Imma Llop, a PhD student member of the group, spent four months at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, in the group of Professor Tamim Asfour, collaborating on the design and evaluation of artificial hands using experimental methods.
Imma en KIT
Researchers Verónica Gracia, Alba Roda, Néstor Jarque and Javier Andrés participated in the 13th Ibero-American Congress of Mechanical Engineering (CIBIM), held from 23 to 26 October 2017 at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. CIBIM is a biennial event promoted since 1993 by the Ibero-American Federation of Mechanical Engineering - FEIBIM.

CIBIM Lisboa
The DEVALHAND project shows some of its results at the Focus-SME event for entrepreneurs held in the Auditorium of Castellón on September 28, and is visited by the President of the Valencian Community, Ximo Puig.
Imma Llop takes part in the Summer School of Soft Manipulation (SOMA) in Lake Chiemsee (Germany), presenting a poster and being one fo the three selected works for an oral presentation.
SOMA 2017
Antonio Pérez and Imma Llop attend the Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Brisbane and present two communications.

ISB Brisbane
Several members of the BE group present communications in the Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, in Seville.

ESB Sevilla

The student Pablo Palanques receives the award for the Best End of Career Project awarded by the Industrial Engineers Society in Castellón, for the project entitled "Optimization of mechanical finger actuation system for an anthropomorphic hand prosthesis", supervised by Antonio Pérez.
Premio Pablo Palanques
May-2017 Enrique Sanchis presents his doctoral thesis entitled "Influence of the posture of the foot on the rigidity of the medial column during the gait cycle", supervised by Joaquin L. Sancho, obtaining the maximum qualification of Excelent cum Laude.
Tesis Quique
Dec-2016 Ximo Sancho and Imma Llop attend the "Engineering the Upper Limb" meeting organized by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in London, presenting works developed by the BE group.
Engineering the upper limb
Several members of the BE group attend the XXI Spanish Congress of Mechanical Engineering and present six communications.
Veronica Garcia, Nestor Jarque and Imma Llop represent the BE group at the Sixth Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of the ESB, presenting several communications.
Javier Andrés, a member of the BE-UJI group, has spent three months (Jul-Aug-Sept) at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK), in the Biomedican Engineering group led by Dr. Arjan Buis.

Dr. Arjan Buis coordinates, along with other researchers from the University of Nottingham, the ADAM project (Anthropomorphic Design for Advanced Manufacture). This project has the objective of materializing functional prostheses taking advantage of the new 3D printing technologies.

Estancia Javi Glasgow
During the months of May, June and July, Verónica Gracia, a member of the group, conducted a research stay at the European Center for Research on Human Movement (Euromov) of the University of Montpellier (France) in the group of professors Isabelle Laffont (MD, PhD) and Denis Mottet (PhD).

Vero Euromov
Jul-2016 On July 19th Antonio Perez and Antonio Morales, PIs of DEVALHAND project, visit the High Performance Humanoid Technologies Lab (H²T) of KIT in Karlsruhe, meeting with Professor Tamim Asfour, laboratory director and member of the research team of the project, in order to coordinate activities related to the development of DEVALHAND project tasks.
visita KIT
Jul-2016 Several members of the BE group attend to the 22nd Congress of the ESB in Lyon, presenting different communications.
ESB Lyon
May-2016 On May, 4th  took place in Castellón a coordination meeting with foreign members of DEVALHAND project. Attended Juan Laforga, from Shadow Robots and Martincic Shadow Robots and Emile Martincic and Pierres-Yves Joubert from Insitute d'electronique Fondamentale of Paris-SucdUniversity.
Mano Imma
Feb-2016 Thomas Feix, renowned researcher in the field of robotic and human grip, currently working on ADIDAS, makes a visit to the group BE in order to exchange ideas on design of anthropomorphic hands, in the context of DEVALHAND project.
Feb-2016 Veronica Garcia, member of BE group, won the prize of disemination of Science in valencian language of Higher School of Technology and Experimental Sciences of the Universitat Jaume I, for his work entitled "Cap a l'eradicació de la discapacitat" (Towards the eradication of disability) related with the development of prosthetic hand and arms.
Premio Veronica Gracia
Javier Cepriá has read his doctoral thesis entitled "Analysis of the pressure distribution in the human hand when grasping", obtaining Excellent cum laude.
Tesis Javier Cepria
Dec-2015 Nestor Jarque joined the group of Biomechanics and Ergonomics with FPI predoctoral contract associated with the project KINE-ADL. Nestor has collaborated several years within the group as an intern and researcher and in recent years has been engaged in the Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia.
Nestor Jarque
Margarita Vergara and Marta Mora attended the V Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics, held in Madrid on November 20, and presented two communications at the meeting

Javier Andrés attend the ISB congress in Glasgow, where he presented a communication.

ISB Glasgow
Jul-2015 Antonio Perez and Ximo Sancho attend the Congress of the ESB 2015 in Prague, where the BE group presented three communications.
ESB 2015 Praga
The group is seeking candidates for two PhD contracts associated with the DEVALHAND and KINE-ADL projects recently approved by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The contracts have a maximum duration of four years and will allow the completion of the doctorate in the group, including conducting research stays.


The BE group is seekeing candidates for a post-doctoral Individual Fellowship in the field of hand prosthetics design. More info:

oct-2014 The group participates in Biomechanics and Ergonomics Excellence Network for Spanish Research in Biomechanics, approved by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DPI2014-51763-Redt)

jul-2014 Anwar Benbakhti, PhD student from the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene de Argelia, conducts a research stay in the Biomechcanis and Ergonomics Group, working in the biomechanical study of the Freeman plate during sprained ankle rehabilitation.



Javier Andrés participates in the World  Congress of Biomechanics in Boston, presenting two works developed in the BE group, one of them in collaboration with the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.

Ximo Sancho undertake a research stay in the RIC (Rehabilitation Institue of Chicago), working in the group of Wendy Murray on hand biomechanics oriented  to the control of prosthesis.
RIC_Ximo Sancho
Javier Andrés and Antonio Pérez participate in the 19th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics in Patras (Greece)
Patras 2013
apr-2013 BE group start contacts with Hospital de la Ribera and Hospital Dr. Peset for future research collaboration in hand biomechanics. These contacts are inserted in the strategy PROSIT-UJI promoted by FISABIO, a foundation to promote the collaboration in research in the medical sector in the Valencian Community    
apr-2013 Antonio Pérez and Ximo Sancho visit Serafin Oliva, medical director of Unión de Mutuas, to establish future collaboration in hand rehabilitation.    
dec-2012 Antonio Pérez from BE presents the research of our group at the event On-Tech Health which took place in Espaitec UJI, on December 11, 2012, with an audience of researchers, entrepreneurs and investors.    
dec-2012 Antonio Pérez visits the company BAASYS, devoted to biomechanical clinical evaluation, with the aim of establishing future common research with BE.  


nov-2012 Several members of the BE take part of the organizing committee of the XIX Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica, celebrated at Universitat Jaume I from 14 to 16 November of 2012    
oct-2012 Carmen Gonzalez and Javier Andrés, from BE, presented two of the research lines conducted by the group at the Second Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics, held at the College Engineering of the University of Seville.    
jul-2012 Beatriz León and Antonio Pérez,  participate in the Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics, in Lisbon.    
apr-2012 Marta Mora and Antonio Pérez, members of the BE group participate in the X edition of the conference Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, in Berlin   CMBBE 2012 header  
nov-2011 The BE group participates in the I Meeting of the Spanish National Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) in Zaragoza    
sep-2011 The BE group assists to the Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica CIBIM10, in Oporto, september 2011. Antonio Pérez was chairman in one of the sessions of Biomechanics    
jul-2011 The BE group participates in the Congress of the International Society Biomechanics ISB2011, from 3 to 7 of July in Brussels.
jun-2011 Antonio Pérez & Ximo Sancho, members of the BE group visit the University of Málaga to establish new collaborations in the biomechanics of the hand.
dec-2010 The BE group takes part in the Red Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica, research net financed by the Spanish government(DPI2010-11130-E).  

dec-2010 The BE group organizes the course: Introduction to Biomechanics for Engineers, for engineering students in last years (valid for 1 cr. of elective courses) and engineers.  

feb-2010 The BE group is takes part in the organization of the 9th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE 2010), held in Valencia between  24 and 27 February, 2010.      
jan-2010 Marta Mora, researcher in the group BE, undertakes a research stay in the Brain-Body Lab of University of Southern California, between January and July of 2010. The Brain-Body Lab, directed by professor Valero-Cuevas, is one of the lead international centers in the biomechanics and neuromuscular control of the human hand.