Neural networks for predicting
grip posture of object manipulation by human hand
project main objective is to make a realistic prediction of the
position of the human hand grip for everyday objects. The work is
centred in the positions of maximum opening and final gripping posture
for pinch grip, one of the most widely used in human manipulation. This
is the first step towards the generalization to any grip. Neural
networks are useful as a predictive tool for human grip postures
as they are able to learn the underlying rules that are adopted during
this process. In the project there are three phases. The first involves
identifying the parameters that most affect the reached grip, through
experimentation. The second is the development of a prediction module
for grip posture based on neural networks for pinch grasp. Finally, the
third module will involve the integration of the prediction module in
the biomechanical hand model developed by the research group. This
integration will automate the production of grip position for a given
object that is biomechanically correct and representative of normal
human grip for that object.