Methodological analysis for integration
of emotional design in a collaborative system for new products
This project appears from the joining
of two research groups at the Universitat Jaume I with the common
goal of deepening in the study of methods to capture and include
client's emotions into design, especially in the early stages of
design, and incorporate them within a collaborative design model for
ceramic design chain. It departs from a conceptual framework and
business model developed in a previous project to improve
collaborative design activities focused on the ceramic industry. It
aims to enrich that model by incorporating a methodology for
integrating the voice of the customer into the design process as a
key to get innovative products that meet customer expectations. In
particular, our interest focuses on emotional design, i.e., the
study of the relationship between product characteristics and the
feelings aroused in the client, understanding client as all those
subjects involved somehow in product design selections or
acquisition: commercial distributors, architects, end users,
manufacturers without their own design process, etc.
Jan. 2009-Dec. 2010
Margarita Vergara Monedero
Fundació Bancaixa.
Universitat Jaume I